William Shakespeare is regarded as the greatest dramatist in English literature. This song is taken from his popular comedy 'As you like it'. The song is sung by lord Amiens in the forest of Arden, living in exile, along with the banished duke.
In this poem the poet presents a contract between city or court life and the life in the forest. He praises the life of forest and says that there is no one hatch conspiracies against them. They have no rivals in the forest. They are enjoying a very peaceful life. They are exchanging their songs with the happy songs of birds. So, Lord Amiens invites the people to come and join him. He invites those who can give up the worldly desires, who can bear the heat of sun, who can work with their own hands for their needs of life. They only trouble in the forest is of winter and bad weather. They will have to live under the shed of trees but they will get rid of human hidden enemies. Only they have to face the troubles of season which are common in the forest.
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That's so helpful to me at the moment
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