AMMONIA (NH3): It is small gaseous molecule which is highly toxic and highly soluble in water. No energy is requried to remove from the body. It is excretory wastes of aquati animals. In soft body invertebrates. NH3 is excrets through entire body surface. In fish by gills.
UREA (CO(NH2)): Urea is excretory product of terrestrial animals such as mammls, many Amphibia, many shark fishes and bony fishes as well. Urea is less toxic. Urea is produced as a result of metabolism in the form ammonia. NH3 is produced in the body but it combines with co2 and forms ureas in the process ATP is used. The urea combines with water and excrete as Urine.
URIC ACID: It is excretory product of insects, birds and reptiles. It is low soluble in water. After reabsorption of water its changed into crystalization of urates. Requries ATP. Uric acid removes from the body in the form of thick paste or Solid pellets.
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