
Friday, August 23, 2013

Evidences Of Evolution

There are many evidences that provide the proves of evolution, so mostly the biologist are in the favour of evolutionary process by which the life from simple form is going / was going / will to complex and more complex form gradually and slowly. The following are evidences to prove to accept the "Evolution".
  1. Palaeontological Evidences.
  2. Taxonomic Evidences.
  3. Homological Evidences.
  4. Embryological Evidences.
  5. Biochemistry and Physiological Evidences.
  6. Evidences from Vertical Organs. 
Pale ontological Evidences: The study of fossils is called "palaeontology". Fossils are remains of living organisms that buried in the earth crust thousands years ago. The fossils of Echippus and Archaeopteryx are palaeontological evidences. Archaeopteryx reptile and avian characters. It proved that birds are glorified from reptiles or birds have evolved from reptiles. It was lived in 150 M.Y ago in Jurassic time. It had beak with teeth, wings with move able claws, along tail with 20 Vertebrae.

Taxanomical Evidences: The system of classifications show that descents of animals is from common ancestor. Some animals which represent the intermediate position in between two groups, these are knows as "connecting links". 
e.g - Peripatus between phylum Arthropod and Annelid.
Eugenia between Plants and Animals.

Evidences from Homology (Comparative Anatomy):
Homologous organ are these similar structure but modified for different function indifferent species. e.g. fore limb of Turtle, fore leg of Horse, Wing of Bird and Bat, Fore Lip per of whale and arm of Man hazing same type of bones and muscles, while different in function, it shows the they have common orig ion, or common fore father.

Embryological Evidences: The Embryology also provide evidences for evolution. All the vertebrates embryo look quite similar to one another early in development. Fish, Salamander, Tortoise, Bird, Monkey and Man all develops gill-slits, tail, dorsal notched, dorsal spinal cord present. The early embryo of chordates resembles to a fish embryo.
The Tadpole of a frog similar to the fish.

Evidences from Vestigial Organs: The vestigial organs are those that had important functions is ancestor, but now no functions. The vestigial organs in man are Appendix vermiform, vertebrate. External and nucleating membrane. In other animal wings in kiwi and ostrich, In whale and snake pelvis bones are present but no hind limb. Splint bones in foot of horse toes are Vestigial organs.

Evidences from Biochemistry and Physiology: The blood protein of man and apes close relationship. Various hormones and enzymes found in vertebrates are similar are in chemical composition and functions. The blood proteins of Carnivores cat, Dog and bears are closely related.

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