
Saturday, August 24, 2013

Symbiosis - Brief Description

             There is an association between two organisms, which brings benefit to both the organisms. This association is called Symbiosis.
  • Root Nodules:  The legume plants, pea and bean are the hosts to symbiont bacteria, which inhabit roots forming root nodules. The root nodules bacteria fix nitrogen in soil air, converting it into amino acid, which the host uses. In returen, host provides bacteria will food and protection.

  • Mycorrhiza:  Mycorrhiza is an association between the roots of plants growing in acid soil and certain fungi. The host is pine, beech or heather and it provides the fungus with an enzymes to digest carbohydrates in leap litter. In return the fungus symbiont passes mineral ions from the soil to the host.

  • Mutualism: Both organisms benefit from the relationship Lichens are an example of mutualism. The relationship between insects and flowering plants is another example. The insect gets nectar from the flower, the flowers are able to form the flower, the flowers are able to reproduce because the insects carry pollen from flower to flower.

  • Lichens: Lichens are dual organism composed of symbiosis association of algae living within a fungus mycelium. The lichens grow on exposed rock surfaces and air important colonizers of bare ground.

  • Communalism: In the type of relationship only one organism benefit form the relationship. The other is not affected at all. For example, sharks may have small fish called remoras attached to them. As the shark feeds, the remores pick up the scarps. The remoras benefits from this relationship the shark is not affected at all.

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