
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Short not on Ecosystem Approach - Ecosystem

This is most recent development in ecology. Ecosytem is the highest level of biological organisation, all ecological concept can be set within this frame work. This approach is base on two things, the flow of energy and cycling of matter between living and non living components. This system introduces a concept of self regulation and self sufficiency living organisms and their non living enviroment interact in most coordinated matter and any disturbance may lead to biological disbalance. Earth is an example of ecosystem which has both living things (biotic factors) and non living environment (abiotic factors) and each influence the other.


Saturday, June 1, 2013



            Locomotion in various organisms takes place in a variety of ways because it is brought about by different organs. Although Amoeba, earthworm and snake apparently look crawling but the organs involved are totally different. Similarly a paramecium and a fish both swim; Paramecium swims by its cilia whereas the fish uses its muscles and skeleton.

Count's Revenge - The Count of Morcerf

    The Count of Morcerf is the villain of the play 'Count's Revenge'. His actual name is Fernand Mondego and originally is a fisherman. He is a middle aged person. We know very little about his past or how he becomes a count. We find that he has a high position in the society and his wealth seems to have been secured by unfair means.
A traitor: 
     The French parliament condemned him a traitor on account of taking bride and handing over the fortress of Yanina to Turks, when he is in army. Thus he has no love for his country. Actually the worst enemy of his country has no courage to challenge the charges and out of the court like a mad man. This shows that he is a traitor and has grown rich at the cost of his country.

A conspirator: 
    Morcerf is very evil person. He marriage Mercedes treachouly. He hatches a conspiracy with the help of his friends to prove Edmond Dantes (Monte Cristo) to be a spy and an agent of the exiled Bonaparte. Morcerf and his friends produce false evidences and he is condemned to undergo life imprisonment for spying. In this way he tries to ruin Monte Cristo completely.

As a husband and as a father: 
       The Count of Morcerf is a cruel fellow. He behaves his wife in a mean way and therefore loses regard in the eyes of his wife as well as his son. When his wife, countess says to Monte Cristo, 'I was soon to find out how mean' and heartless he was", we come to conclusion that he has never been a good husband. 
       As a father he also fails to win the sympathy of his son. He does not try to stop Albert to fight a duel. He rather wants him to kill Monte Cristo in the duel and does not care for his son's life.

A coward person: 
      Morcerf is a coward person. When he is publicly disgraced, he does not try to take the revenge by himself but leaves the affairs to his young son, Albert. Albert deserts him by offering an apology to Monte Cristo, he himself resolves to fight a duel, but treachously takes out his pistol to kill Monte Cristo, but he himself is killed.

      On the whole, count of Morcerf is a villain. He is very cruel to get his aims by hook or by crook. He has no sympathy for any body. He seems to have secured wealth by unfair means and above all he is an unpatriotic, who deceives his own motherland for the selfish aims.

Shortnotes on Dimension - Physics

 The word dimension has special meaning in physics. It is used to denote the nature of a physical quantity. Whether a distance is measured in any units, metres, miles or even light year. It is always distance and its dimension is length.
    The symbols L, M and T are the symbols usually used to specify the dimensions of length, mass and time respectively. The dimension of any quantity can always be expressed as some combination of the fundamental quantities, such as mass, length and time.
      The dimension of velocity are written as L/T and the dimensions of area are L 2.
     In any equation the dimension of physical quantity must be same on both sides of equation. The dimensional tables attached to the various quantities may treated like algebraic quantities and may be combined. cancelled etc just as if they were factors in the equation.

Count's Revenge - The Count of Monte Cristo

     Count of Monte Cristo is the hero of the play "Counts Revenge". He is not young, but very handsome, a and cynical. His actual name is Edmond Dante's. He is very popular with the fashionable society of Paris.

A noble and well-mannered Person: 
     Monte Cristo is a noble and well-mannered person. He has very fine manners. He always talks like a gentleman and in a polite way. He bows not only before Countless but also before his enemy, Count of Morcerf. He speaks in a kind way not only to his friends but also to his enemy.
     He is an excellent marksman and everybody is convinced that he will kill Albert, but Countess of Morcerf, his beloved of past implores him to spare the life of her son. Her appeal has a great effect on him. He gives her a promise that, he will not kill Albert and die in his place. Thus it follows that he is a noble person, for he knows how to forgive and forget.

A man of Honour: 
     Monto Cristo always behaves like a man of honour. He loves Mercedes, but when she is married to Morcerf, he does not try to get her back. When Albert challenges him to duel, he again acts like a man of honour. He accepts his challenges and gives choice to Albert to choose the weapon of duel. Later he tells Countess that he will not beg Albert's pardon, but in order to save him, he will get himself killed. Thus he acts as a man of honour.

A revengeful Hero: 
    Monte Cristo is a revengeful person too. He takes revenge and disgraces Morcerf before the whole society. His revengeful nature comes before us very clearly, when he says to Albert, An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, that is the rule follow.
    He also says to Albert, when a man has done you a deadly wrong, has subjected you to show, profound, eternal torture, then you must treat him as he has treated you. Morcerf Cruelly harms him in the past. So he punishes him, but he is revengeful in a good way. He shows the French people that Morcerf is a traitor who has sold his country's fortress to enemy. In this way he takes his revenge.

A brave Person: 
   Undoubtedly, Monte Cristo is a brave person, because he accepts Albert's challenges to fight a duel in a brave way. He is not at all afraid of death. When Alvert challenges him, he at once ready for the duel. He has a good shot and has full confidence in his strength. But when Countess begs him no to kill Albert, he decides to lose his life. He says that he will allow Albert to kill him. Thus he is not afraid of death.

A trustworthy man: 
   Count of Monte Cristo appears before us as a trustworthy man. He explains his position to the Countess in the most rational way and convinces her of the justification of his action against Morcerf. He has great regard for the Countess, when she requests to spare the life of her son, he promises to do so, even at the risk of his own life. And in the last scene his behaviour is reasonable. He gladly accepts Albert's offer to become his friend once again and treats kindly.

Components Of an Ecosystem - Abiotic Components

All non-living components are called abiotic components. The abiotic components are further divided in to climatic, topographic and edaphic factors.
(a) Climatic Factors: 
  These factors are forming the aerial environment. These factors include.

  1. Light
  2. Temperature
  3. Water
  4. Atmosphere and Wind
  5. Fire.
1. Light: It is one of the most important climatic factors which effects and regulates plant life in a very large variety of ways. The chief natural source of light is the sunlight. It is a form of radiant energy. It is an essential factor for the primary production of plant materials upon which all other living organisms depend directly or indirectly. However, the plants utilise only three percent of total light, which falls on earth. The light affects in three ways. i.e. light intensity, its duration and quality.

- Light Intensity: It depends upon angle of incidence and seasons, latitudes and time of the day. A normal amount of light is necessary for chlorophyll, formation. It also affects temperature.
   According to the requirement of light, plants are classified into two types. Plants those required bright light are called helophytes and plants those grow in shade are called sclorphytes.

- Light duration: It is required for growth and development of plants. Duration of light is called photo period. Due to different periods of light in summer and winter season the corps are also different.
-Light Quality: It is important, because only the visible light (range from 400 to 700 mill micron) that reaches the earth is utilised by man and other living organisms. Other types of light rays, such as ultraviolet and infrared are dangerous for living organisms.

2. Temperature: A normal and suitable temperature is required for the biochemical processes of animals and plants. Its main source is radiant energy of sun. In biosphere life mainly exists in the range of 0 to 50 c.
 There are three degrees of temperature.
(i)   Minimum temperature at which the metabolic processes begin.
(ii)  Optimum temperature, at which the metabolic processes are fast and rapid.
(iii)  Maximum temperature, at which the processes become slower and then finally stop.
    Due to temperature, different types of ecosystems are formed in the world and each ecosystem has its own kinds of plants and animals.

3. Water: Water is a very important climatic factor. It is essential for the life all living organisms. The main sources of water are rainfall, snow and dew. Of these rainfall is the most important, because the roots of plants directly absorb it. It is necessary for photosynthesis in plants. Continuously cycling of water in nature is called hydrological cycle. According to availability of water plants are classified into five types.
(i)  Xerophytes -------------   growing in dry places.
(ii)  Hydrophytes -----------   growing in wet places.
(iii) Halophytes -------------   growing in saline region.
(iv) Hygrophytes -----------   growing in moist places.
(v)  Mesophytes ------------- growing in normal places.

4. Atmosphere and Wind: Atmosphere plays an important role in the operation of ecosystem. Atmosphere is the gases envelop which surrounds the earth. Atmosphere contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water vapours. Nitrogen enters the body of green plants in the form of nitrates and takes part in protein synthesis, oxygen is used for respiration and carbon dioxide is necessary for the photosynthesis. Moving air is called wind, when it blows fast, it becomes a storm. It affects the plants mechanically, their branches are broken and they may be uprooted. Other effect is that wind caries moist air to other place and it is replaced by dry air, therefore process of transpiration increase. The wind also influence migrate of flying animals. Wind generally moves from poles to equator.

4. Fire: The fire may be caused by lightning, volcanic activity, mutual friction between trees such as bamboos and mostly by man. The fire brings about sudden change in an ecosystem which has been developed in centuries. It recycles various nutrients and thus new growth is stimulated. Fire also brings about changes in environmental factors like light, rainfall, pH and nutrients. The fire also favours growth of some fungi, mostly ascomycetes and thus these fungi are called Pyrophilus fungi.

I Had Reached Your Door Steps (Summary)

The poem has been composed by a famous Pakistani poet G. Allana. There is mysticism in his poetry and he makes poetry a source of refinement. 
     The poet says that people have forgotten the massage of revealed book and complicated the religion with UN-necessary problems. The poet wanted to reach the house of God, but he did not know the way as he lost the papers of guidance. So he was in very distressed condition. He asked the travellers to show him the way of goodness which leads to the door of Almighty God. But they said no one can reach there as the way is full of troubles and dangers. But the poet remembered that God had said it was short, straight and delight full and it was not a dream but an ultimate reality, in his temporary world.
      Lastly, God took pity on him the chart which he had misplaced. He found that he had reached the doorsteps of God's house. The poet, in fact says that we should not engross in this materialistic world but we must follow the teachings of religion.

Incident Of The French Camp - Summary

This poem has been composed by Robert Browning. He was the most highly esteemed poet of the Victorian age. He wrote with full force of his imagination and poetic power.
      In this fast moving and exciting poem the poet describes the courage of a during French attack on Ratisbon. In 1890, the French army attacked the German city Ratisbon under the command of Lanes. The French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte stood on Little mound at a distance of about a mile or two. He seemed greatly disturbed and quite eager to know about the results of the battle. While he was engaged in intense thinking, a rider appeared from the clouds of smoke and fire. He drew the bridle when he reached the mound. He was seriously wounded, hence he compressed his lips so tightly that no blood drop came through his month. This young soldier gave a happy news to the emperor that his army had captured the city. Hearing this, Napoleon became very happy but suddenly he realised that the soldier was seriously wounded. He asked the soldier if he was wounded. The soldier replied that he was almost killed. Saying this he fell beside the emperor and died there. In this  was the young soldier sacrificed his life to perform his duty.

Abou Ben Adhem (Summary)

The poem has been composed by Leigh Hunt. He was not only a famous poet but also an editor, an essayist and a critic. He defended the romantic poets in his criticism. In the poem, the poet tells us a story of a pious man, named Abou Ben Ad hem and an angel. One night he was sleeping in his room. Suddenly he awoke from his sleep due to a bright light and was greatly amazed to see an angel in his room, who was busy in writing something in his golden book. Abou took courage and asked the angel what he was writing in his book. The angel replied that he was writing the names of those persons who loved God. The name of Abou was not included in the list. This did not shock him. He requested the angel to write his name among the list of those people who loved his fellow men.
    Next night, the angel appeared again with the list of persons who were blessed by God and the name of Abou was on top of the list. This confirms that God does not love only those love him, but he equally loves those who love mankind, His creature.

Lines from The Lay of Last Minstrel (Summary)

The poem has been composed by a great poet Sir Walter Scott. He is very famous for his ideas about patriostism. 
      In this poem the poet denounces, the person, who has no love for his active land. Unapatriote is one who has no love for his native land so a person who has no love or emotional attachment with his mother land, The poet tells him a dull fellow. He says that when a person cow es back his country from foreign tour, if no loving passion. No. Singer composes songs in his praise. He deserves no sympathy. He may be very rich person, he may hold the highest post, he may be very powerful, but in spite of all his wealth and nobody will respect him to the care of heart. Because he is always absorbed in his own selfish motives and has done nothing for the welfare of his country.
     According to the poet such unpatriot dies double death. The first death is physical when he is buried in the dust. The second death is in the sense that no body remembers him after his death. Nobody composes songs in his praise. Nobody mourns at his death. In other words he is totally forgotten by the people.

Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge (Summary)

Sonnet Composed Upon Westminster Bridge (Summary)

   The beautiful sonnet has been composed by William Wordsworth. He has been regarded as the port of nature in English Literature. His poetry is full of natural scenes. The view of London from Westminster bridge, at dawn, inspired Wordsworth to write this everlasting person.
    In this beautiful sonnet, poet paints before us the beautiful picture of the city of London. Which he happened to observe from the Westminster bridge in the early hours of the day. The city looked very beautiful, as the complete silence was prevailing over the whole city. The poet is greatly impressed by the beauty of the city. The towers, ships and the buildings were visible and glittering in the mist less or smokeless air. He also saw the sun rising up. The opening rays of the sun were touching the peaks of hills and villages. The river was also flowering very smoothly. It seemed to the poet that not only the people but even the houses of the city were sleeping. The whole London city was absorbed in complete silence and it seemed as if the whole city of London was wearing the garment of the beauty of morning.