Water coverts 75% of earth's surface. It is the most important fluid on earth, forming the all types of life. Calculation by Various scientist estimate that 97% of the total water of plant earth is in oceans. 2% in the form of frozen ice and glaciers and 1% as available freshwater.
Water is the most important component of all living thing. About 85-90% water by weight found in vegetable like potatoes and carrots. It is nearly 70-80% of the human body. A maximum quantity of water needed for every man daily is 4-6 litres. Total domestic consumption of water is only 10% as compare to 90% used in industry. Industry consume vast quantity of water and much of it is polluted with chemicals when return to river. These chemical wastes are often toxic.
Water is the most important component of all living thing. About 85-90% water by weight found in vegetable like potatoes and carrots. It is nearly 70-80% of the human body. A maximum quantity of water needed for every man daily is 4-6 litres. Total domestic consumption of water is only 10% as compare to 90% used in industry. Industry consume vast quantity of water and much of it is polluted with chemicals when return to river. These chemical wastes are often toxic.
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