
Friday, August 23, 2013

Germination & Types of Germination

Germination is a process in which seed becomes awaken (active) and starts growth and development to form seeding.
       Some environmental factors breaks the seed dormancy and it starts to germinat.
Types of Germination: 
  1. Epigeal Germination: (Epi=above, Geo = Earth)                                         It is a kind of germination during which cotyledons are carried above the soil. It is due to rapid growth of hypocotyl, which is a region of axis just below cotyledons.                                                                                                  When cotyledons come up above the soil they becomes flat, green and leaf like in appearance. They perform function of photosynthesis after some period cotyledons fall. Epigeal germination occurs in many seed like castor oil seed.
  2. Viviparous Germination: It is a type of germination, in which seed germinate inside the fruit, the fruit is still attached to plant nourished. The radicle grows in size, elongated and swells in the lower part and becomes heavy and stouter. When weight of seeding increases, it separates from the mother plant and falls vertically into soft mud below the plant. The seeding become imbibed and start growing viviparous germination is found in those plants which grow in salt lakes, marshy places and coastal region. e.g. Rhizophora, Coconut, Palm etc.

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