
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Methods Of Thermoregulation In Animals (338)

Thermoregulation in animals occurs by two ways.
1: Behavioural Regulation 
2: Physiological Regulation.
Behavioural Regulation:
Animals change their posotion to increase or decrease body temperature. They get heat energy from sunlight in winther and in summer they move to colder or shady places. Its occurs in Ectothermic animals.

Physiological Regulation:
In this regulation body temperature maintained by inter-physiological process, such as change in blood circulation, change in the rate of metabolism, excretion of water from the body and movement of certain muscles of the body. It's process in endothemic animales.

Thermoregulation In Man In Hot Temprature:
1: Vasodiation near the skin to release body heat.
2: Sweet glands secrets hot water sweating so blood become cold, body temp: normal.
3: Uses thin cloths.
In hot season the animal produce less heat and also release heat from the body but in dog sweat gland are less, so heat release from tongue.

Thermoregulation In COld Temprature:
--Erection of hair:- In cold season hairs become in exect position in frog animals air is trapped between the space of hairs and heat loss is stopped.
--Vasocontriction: Blood vesseles in skin are reduced Due to this process blood flow towards skin slow and heat loss from skin is reduced.
--Sub - Cutananeouse fat deposition:- In animals like mammals below skin fat deposited inadipose cells. It prevent heat loss. Common in equatic animals.

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