
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Comparison between mitosis and meiosis

1.        It occurs in somatic cells
It occurs in reproductive cells
2.        The whole process completes in one sequence
The whole process completes in two sequences (meiosis I and meiosis II)
3.        It involves only one nuclear division
Two nuclear division
4.        The prophase is of short duration and without any sub-stages
The prophase is of longer duration with 5 sub-stages
5.        No synapsis takes place between the homologous chromosomes
Synapsis takes place between the homologous chromosomes
6.        Chiasma and crossing over are absent
7.        During metaphase the centromere is directed towards the equator of the dividing cell
During metaphase the centromere is directed towards the poles of the dividing cell
8.        The chromosome number remains the same as that of the parent cell
The chromosomes number is reduced to half
9.        Two daughter cells are produced
Four daughter cells are produced
10.      It helps the organism in asexual reproduction
It helps the organism in sexual reproduction

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