1. Accessory glands
Male reproductive system
Activation and lubrication of sperms
2. Accessory glands
3. Antennary (Green) glands
4. Apical glands
Trematode larva
To dissolve tissue of secondary host
5. Bartholin’s gland
Female reproductive system
Lubrication of vagina during copulation
6. Blood glands (red glands)
Synthesis of blood cells and haemoglobin
7. Bowman’s glands
Nasal chamber of man
To moisten nasal epithelium
8. Brunner’s glands
Submucosa of duodenum of mammals
Releasing of alkaline secretions (mucus)
9. Bulbo-urethral (Cowper’s ) glands
Human male
Lubricates urethra for semen in man
10. Calciferous glands
Stomach of earthworm
To release calcareous fluid to neutralise acidity
11. Cardiac glands
Cardiac stomach
To release of gastric juice
12. Ceruminous (Wax) glands
Exterior auditory meatus of mammals
To release cerumin (ear wax)
13. Chromaphil glands
Pharynx of earthworm
To release proteinase and mucus
14. Ciliary glands (Glands of Moll)
Base of eyelashes of man
Lubrication of eye lashes
15. Clitellar glands
Clitellum of earthworm
To secrete cocoon
16. Collateral glands
3rd or 4th abdominal segments of female cockroach
To secrete egg case of ootheca
17. Conglobate (Phallic) glands
Near male genital aperture of male cockroach
To release musky odour for attraction of females and also secrete outermost layer of spermatophore wall.
18. Corpuscula bulboidea
Krause end bulbs
Sensitive to cold (Thermoreceptors)
19. Crop (modified oesophagus)
To secrete crop milk
20. Crypt of Lieberkuhn
To secrete succus entericus
21. Cutaneous glands (epidermal glands)
Vertebrate skin
Modified for different functions
22. Cystogenous glands
Cercaria larva of liver fluke
To secrete cyst
23. Dogiel’s corpuscles
Encapsulated sensory nerve ending
24. Ebner’s (Serous) glands
On tongue
Secretions help to spread food over papillae
25. Eccrine (coiled tubular sweat) glands
All over the body of man
For osmoregulation
26. Ecdysal (Prothoracic) glands
Source of ecdysone for moulting
27. Egli’s glands
Ureter & renal pelvis
To release of mucus
28. Femoral glands
Thigh of male lizard
To secrete calcareous spines that help in copulation
29. Fundic (Gastric) glands
Fundus of stomach
To release gastric juice
30. Gastric glands
Refer fundic glands
31. Genital corpuscles
Near external genitalia
32. Golgi-Mazzoni corpuscles
Finger tips and toes
33. Grandy’s corpuscles
On bird’s beak
34. Green glands
Refer antennary glands
35. Harderian glands
Vertebrate eye with functional nictitating membrane
36. Hedonic (Scent or Odoriferous) glands
Skin of few reptiles & all mammals
To attract opposite sex
37. Herbst’s corpuscles
38. Infraorbital glands
Below the eye ball of few mammals (e.g. Rabbit)
Acts as Salivary glands
39. Inguinal (Perineal) glands
Cutaneous glands of certain mammals (e.g. Rabbit) near genital organs
To attract opposite sex
40. Ink glands
Cephalopod molluscs
To release ink during escape
41. Internal salivary glands
Sublingual and submandibular glands of man
42. Intestinal glands
Refer Crypts of Lieberkuhn
43. Jacobson’s organs
Amphibians and reptiles
44. Key-retzius
Beak of certain aquatic birds
Resembling Pacinian
45. Krause’s glands
Tympanic cavity
To release mucus
46. Labial glands
Inner lip surface of man
To secrete mucus
47. Lachrymal (Tear) glands
Vertebrate eyes
Secrete tears. Nourish cornea
48. Lymph glands
Alimentary canal of earthworm
To release phagocytes
49. Mammary glands
Modified oil gland in Prototherians and modified sweat gland in higher mammals
For production of milk in females during lactation period
50. Mantle gland
Mantle of mollusca
To secrete shell
51. Mebomian glands
On the eye lids
To release oil
52. Mehlis’s glands
Surrounds ootype of trematode and cestode in the centre of ovarian complex
For lubrication of genital tract for passage of eggs
53. Moll’s glands
Refer ciliary glands
54. Mushroom (utricular) glands
Male cockroach
To secrete innermost layer of spermatophore and for nourishment and storage of sperms
55. Odoriferous glands
Refer Hedonic glands
56. Optic glands
The brain of cephalopod mollusc
To release gonadotropic hormones
57. Pacinian corpuscles
Near ligaments and tendons
58. Palatine glands
Palate of mammals
To secrete mucus
59. Parotid glands
Near tympanum of toad
To release poison
60. Parotid glands
Salivary gland of mammals
Secrete saliva
61. Penetration glands
Miracidium larva of flukes
To penetrate skin of sheep
62. Phallic glands
Refer conglobate gland
63. Preening (Uropygeal) gland
Modified oil glands to make feathers water proof
64. Prostate gland
Associated with male reproductive system. Also found in some annelids & molluscans
65. Prostomial gland
To secrete ootheca
66. Pyloric gland
Pyloric part of stomach
To release mucus and gastric hormone
67. Red gland
Refer blood gland
68. Salivary glands
Refer internal salivary glands
69. Scent (Odoriferous) glands
Refer Hedonic glands
70. Sebaceous glands
Mammalian skin
To release sebum
71. Shell glands
For secretion of shells and lubrication of genital tract
72. Slime glands
Skin of hagfish
To release mucus
73. Sublingual glands
Salivary gland seen below tongue
Release of saliva (5%)
74. Submaxillary (Submandibular) glands
Salivary glands in angle of jaws
Release of saliva (75%)
75. Subneural glands
Herdmania (Sea potato)
Excretory glands
76. Sudoriferous glands
Sweat producing glands
77. Sweat glands
To produce sweat
78. Tarsal glands
On tarsus of prototherians
To secrete poison
79. Tear glands
Refer lachrymal glands
80. Unicellular glands
Cutaneous glands of fish
To form mucus
81. Uropygeal gland
Refer preening glands
82. Utricular glands
Refer mushroom glands
83. Zeis gland
Eyelashes follicles of Mammals
Modified sebaceous gland sensitive to allergens
84. Zygomatic gland
Refer infraorbital gland