
Thursday, March 15, 2018

Model Questions

1. Give very short answers to the following questions
2. What do you understand by the aspects in relation to health, population and environment?
3. What do you understand by social and cultural aspects?
4. To what aspect are the social rituals, norms, and values related.
5. What is demography?
6. Who is known as father of demography?
7. What are the demographic components?
8. What is fertility?
9. Write down the formula to calculate Crude Birth Rate.
10. What are the measures of mortality?
11. What do you mean by midyear population?
12. What is pollution?
13. Write down any one effect caused by soil pollution.
14. What is the appropriate age of marriage for man and woman?
15. Write down any two names of permanent method of contraception.
16. What do you mean by coitous interrupt/ withdrawal method?
17. In how many months/days/years interval is depo taken?
18. What do you understand by regional balance in development
19. What does the right to education and health means?
20. Which planning initiated the concept of regional balance in development? Answer: Fifth plan
21. Write down the name of report published by Brundtland Commission.
22. Write down any one drawbacks of unmanaged urbanization.
23. Clarify any one importance of sustainable development in one sentence.
24. Write down any one example of sustainable development
25. What do you mean by ecosystem?
26. Mention any two biological aspect of hilly region.
27. Write down any two importances of highways of mid hills of Nepal
28. Write down any one impact seen in the ecosystem of the Terai region.
29. Write down the population of Nepal according to the census report of 2068 B.S.
30. Write down any two causes behind high rate of population growth rate in Terai region of Nepal.
31. Write down the names of any two aspects related with the ecosystem.
32. What percentage of land is occupied by Himalayan region of Nepal?
33. What percentages of people are living in the Himalayan region of Nepal as per the latest census of Nepal?
34. What is the altitude range of the hilly region of Nepal?
35. In which region of Nepal are the places like Tumlingtar, Plantar located?
36. What percentage of land is occupied by the Terai region of Nepal?
37. Write down any two mitigation measures against the effects seen in the ecosystem of Terai region.
38. What is quality of life?
39. Write down the name of the person who developed the concept of HDI.
40. What do you understand by the term conception at the proper age?
41. What is the minimum year’s gap for birth spacing?
42. What is the range of HDI measurement?
43. Why do we need quality of life?
44. What do you understand by HDI?
45. What are the indexes used in the measurement of HDI?
46. Write the rank of Nepal in HDI.
47. What is the share percentage of Nepal among the total vegetation share of world?
48. Into how many groups is biodiversity divided?
49. Define In-situ method of conservation.
50. Write down the name of organism that seems like insect in winter and like a plant in summer.
51. Write down the names of any two reptiles enlisted in the list of protected animals of Nepal.
52. Write down the geographical distribution of Jatamasi.
53. Give any one importance of biodiversity.
54. How many species of mammals are enlisted in the protected list of Nepal?
55. Write down any one medicinal value of Himalayan Yew.
56. Write down the names of any two medicinal plants found in the Himalayan region of Nepal.
57. Write down any two reasons behind the poaching of Giant Pied Hornbill.
58. Write down any two causes behind the depletion of biodiversity.
59. Write down any one measure that can be applied from your level for the conservation of biodiversity.
60. How many types of diseases are there? Mention the types
61. Write down any two causes responsible for the communicable diseases
62. Write down the names of any two diseases transmitted by the medium of air.
63. What sort of disease persists for a longer time and normally is not cured?
64. What is the expected number of deaths by cancer by 2030 A.D? Which disease is the other stage of rheumatic fever?
65. Which disease is also popularly known as sugar disease?
66. Write down the names of any two disease transferred through the infected environment.
67. Write down the causative agent of the disease cholera
68. Write down the names of two places, which are breeding ground for the mosquitoes that transfer Dengue fever.
69. Write down the name of virus that causes Influenza.
70. In which kind of place does the disease influenza normally spread at a larger scale?
71. In which part of the body does the virus human papilloma virus causes cancer.
72. Write down the causative agent of amoebic dysentery.
73. Write down any two symptoms of common cold.
74. In average how long is round worm?
75. Write down any two preventive measures of communicable diseases.
76. What do we call the stage in which the body lacks proper amount of water?
77. What are the number people suffering from COPD in the world
78. What is the other name of hepatitis B?
79. How many types of cancer are known so far?
80. What is the main cause for the lungs cancer?
81. Write down any one cause responsible for the occurrence of heart attack and stroke.
82. At what age is diabetes normally seen?
83. Who identified the causative agent of Cholera?
84. Write down any two mode of transmission of viral Influenza.
85. What do you understand by the term golden thousand days?
86. In how many days of conception does a delivery normally happen?
87. Within how many weeks of pregnancy can abortion be done in Nepal based on legal ground?
88. What is the minimum safe age for the pregnancy?
89. Define miscarriage
90. What is community health?
91. Give any one importance of community health
92. What sort of health services is delivered in Nepal in the ward level?
93. Give any one difference between preventive health services and primitive health services
94. Write down any one social impact of drug abuse
95. When was the malaria eradication programme initiated in Nepal?
96. When did Nepal begin health service policy?
97. What is first aid?
98. Write down the Meaning of ABC in first aid.
99. Which part of body does electric shock affect?
100.Write down the names of any two types of nutrients
101.Define the term Pranayam.

Give short answers to the following questions
1. Enlist the various aspects related with health, population and environment and explain any one of them in short.
2. Distinguish between physical aspect and biological aspects
3. Explain in short about the physical aspects related with health, population and environment.
4. Present a chart showing demographic measures, components and process.
5. Give the formula to calculate fertility rates by defining the term fertility.
6. What will be the CBR of a place if the midyear population of the place was 45000 and the number of childbirth was 500?
7. How does RPG affect in our cultural values and norms? Explain in four points.
8. What is population management? Explain with examples
9. Explain the condition of regional development in Nepal based on Human Development Index.
10. Explain in short about the bases of regional and local development.
11. Explain in short about the concept of sustainable development.
12. Why is sustainable development regarded as the durable development? Describe in brief.
13. How does sustainable development help in limiting the limit of development and develop the feeling of responsibility in general people.
14. Explain the importance of practical application of sustainable development.
15. Write short notes on carrying capacity of earth.
16. Distinguish between the ecosystem of Hilly region and Terai region of Nepal.
17. Enlist any 4-environment conservation programme and explain any one of them in short.
18. Explain any four efforts made by the government of Nepal for the reduction of pollution.
19. Write short notes on socio-economic aspect of Terai region of Nepal.
20. Write short notes on biological aspect of Himalayan region
21. Write short notes on pollution.
22. Distinguish between ecosystem of Hilly region and Terai region of Nepal.
23. Distinguish between soil conservation and flood control.
24. There should be regular availability of balanced diet in a family for maintaining quality life. Give reasons
25. Education can help in improving the life of family and individual. Give reasons
26. The increase in family size can negatively affect quality of life. Give reasons
27. Quality of life is the cornerstone of happiness and satisfaction. Justify the statement.
28. Gender inequality can help in degrading quality of life. Give reasons
29. Write down the relationship between quality of life and; Basic physical needs, Saving, Family size, Responsible parents and Socio-cultural values and norms
30. What is biodiversity? Write short notes on the types of biodiversity.
31. Enlist any four importance of biodiversity and explain any one of them.
32. Explain any four reasons behind the need of conservation of biodiversity.
33. Enlist any four causes responsible for the destruction of biodiversity.
34. Distinguish between exsitu conservation and insitu conservation, animals found in the hilly region/ Himalayan region and Terai region, gene diversity and species diversity
35. What would be your contribution for the conservation of biodiversity? Explain any four of them in brief
36. Give reasons:
a. Nepal is rich in biodiversity
b. Geographical differences creates differences in biodiversity
c. Deforestation affects the status of biodiversity
d. Efforts of every individual are essential for the conservation of biodiversity.
e. Human being is protector and the destructor of biodiversity
37. How is diarrhea caused? Mention any three symptoms of diarrhea
38. How can we prevent water borne diseases? Explain any four measures
39. Differentiate between amoebic dysentery and bacillary dysentery
40. Write down the common preventive measures to protect ourselves from the communicable diseases.
41. Distinguish between stroke and heart attack and give any four preventive measures of the diseases.
42. Distinguish between communicable and non-communicable diseases in any four ways.
43. What is COPD? How can we prevent it? Enlist any six measures to prevent it
44. Introduce hepatitis B and mention the conditions in which the hepatitis B and C does not transfer.
45. What is rheumatic fever? How can we protect ourselves from it? Explain in short.
46. Write down any four symptoms of heart attack
47. Write a brief notes on methods of prevention of cholera
48. Write down the preventive measures of dengue fever and viral influenza
49. How can we reduce the chances of occurrence of non-communicable diseases? Explain any four of them in brief.
50. Enlist any four conditions in which pregnancy can be difficult and explain any one of them in short.
51. What is maternal child health care? Clarify its importance in context to Nepalese society
52. Make a list of care that is needed to be given during the pregnancy stage.
53. Write short notes on induced abortion
54. How can we protect ourselves from STDs? Explain in any four points
55. Introduce safe motherhood along with its aspects.
56. What is abortion? Explain the conditions in which the abortion is regarded illegal in Nepal.
57. It is better to conceive between the age of 20-30. Clarify with any four reasons
58. Why is sexual addiction regarded as bad habit? Give reasons
59. How can we protect ourselves from sex addictions? Discuss any four ways in short
60. Write down any four ways of preventing the alcoholism among the teenager circles.
61. Write short notes on curative health services.
62. What sort of health services are delivered in Nepal at the regional level? Explain in short
63. Explain any four importances of community health services.

A. Give long answer to the following questions:
1. How are the various aspects of health, population and environment interrelated with the science and technological aspects.
2. Explain the impact of dense forest and thin forest on health, population and environment.
3. How are psychological aspect and political aspects related with health, population and environment?
4. Explain the consequences of RPG in any seven points.
5. Explain any four factors affecting mortality rate of a certain place
6. Explain the interrelationship between population management and the availability of resources in the country
7. Explain the importance of regional balance in development in context to Nepal.
8. Explain the interrelationship between the population, environment and development.
9. Explain seven principles of sustainable development.
10. Emigration can have both positive and negative impacts. Discuss in brief about the negative and positive effects of emigration is certain place.
11. Explain any seven ways of improving the HDI ranking of Nepal.
12. Even the people who have not attained formal education may attain quality of life. Explain any seven ways how such group of people can have quality of life despite the condition of being illiterate.
13. The sociocultural aspect of many urban areas of Nepal is severely affected. What are the major reasons behind such conditions? Explain in brief how we can reduce such conditions in urban areas.
14. Explain the importances of sustainable development in any seven points, in context to Nepal’s development approach.
15. What sort of constructive programmes can be useful in developing participation of both male and female in developing quality of life of family and our community? Explain in brief.
16. Draw a map of Nepal and divide it on the basis of Himalayan region, Hilly region and Terai region.
17. Introduce the Himalayan region of Nepal on the basis of three aspects of ecosystem.
18. The plants and animals found in the Himalayan region of Nepal are in the verge of extinction, under such circumstances, what sort of programmes can be useful for their preservation. Prepare a plan for the preservation of such living beings.
19. Identify the major factors causing impacts on the ecosystem and present the mitigation measures of such impacts.
20. Nepal has uneven distribution of population in different geographical region. What are the major reasons behind the uneven distribution of population? Present a plan for reducing such uneven distribution of population in Nepal.
21. Make a list of elements of quality of life and explain any four of them in brief.
22. What sort of solid and creative can you do in order to make quality life of your family and the neighbours living around you? Give your logics
23. Many youths from your village have gone to foreign country. How can opportunities created in the village. Explain in brief any three programmes that can help in solving such conditions.
24. What sort of constructive programmes might be useful in creating gender equality in context of Nepalese society? Explain in brief
25. If you were given the responsibility of making policy essential for the conservation of biodiversity, what sort of policies would you make? Explain in brief.
26. Explain in brief about the biological aspect of any one geographical region of Nepal.
27. Explain exsitu and insitu conservation approaches with examples.
28. Explain in brief about the negative effects seen in the biodiversity and explain their respective mitigation measures in brief.
29. Enlist any six causes responsible for the rareness of animals in Nepal and explain in brief about any four measures that can be useful in the conservation of such species of animals.
30. What is cancer? Enlist any four symptoms of cancer and explain any four preventive measures of cancer
31. Introduce asthma with signs and preventive measures.
32. Explain in short about the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factor of non-communicable diseases
33. Every years thousands of Nepalese people lose their life due to the accidents. What sort of programmes can be useful to decrease such kind of dreadful conditions in Nepal? Present any seven plans in brief
34. Many Nepalese people are unable to get proper provision of balanced diet. Enlist any six reasons. Present any four programmes that can be useful to reduce the scarcity of nutrients in Nepalese people.
35. There is vast importance of community health in Nepal, yet it is unable to deliver health services in Nepal to the extent to create larger differences in the lives of Nepalese people. What sort of programmes might be useful in making the community health programmes successful in Nepal? Explain in any seven points
36. What sort of programmes can be useful to make the programme like golden thousand days successful in Nepal? Suggest any seven programmes to the government
37. Explain any seven roles of individual in solving the community health problems.
38. One of your intimate friends is indulged in bad habits. What kind of efforts would you apply to stop your friend to continue such habits? Discuss any seven approaches in short.

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