
Sunday, June 17, 2018


1.       All polar bears are left handed.
2.       98% of brown bears in the United States are in Alaska.
3.       Female and male black bears cannot tolerate being around each other except when they breed.
4.       Male bears are called boars.
5.       Polar bears look white, but they actually have black skin
6.       The smallest species of bears is called sun or Malayan bears.
7.       Bears whose brown fur is tipped with lighter-colored hairs are called grizzly bears.
8.       Here is some news for the left-handed people – they are not the only ones, as all polar bears are left-handed.
9.       Alaskan brown bears, world's largest meat-eating animals that live on land, can weigh as much as 1,700 pounds (771 kilograms)
10.    The grizzly bear can run as fast as the average horse!!
11.    Bears are native to the continents of North America, Asia, Europe, and South America.
12.    At birth, a panda is smaller than a mouse and weighs about four ounces.
13.    The wild panda's diet consist 99% of bamboo.
14.    The only predator that polar bears have is humans.
15.    The Kodiak, which is native to Alaska, is the largest bear and can measure up to eight feet and weigh as much as 1,700 pounds.
16.    Polar bears have been known to swim more than 60 miles without resting.
17.    Polar bears can smell seals who are 20 miles away.
18.    Polar bears can eat as much as ten percent of their body weight in less than one hour.
19.    Polar bears are excellent swimmers. They have been known to swim more than 60 miles without a rest.
20.    Polar bear livers contain so much Vitamin A that it can be fatal if eaten by a human.
21.    Not all polar bears hibernate; only pregnant females polar bears do.
22.    In the last 30 years, only seven people have been killed by a polar bear in Canada.
23.    If you spray an antiseptic spray on a polar bear, its fur will turn purple.
24.    The largest land animal (?) in the world is the Kodiak bear. It weighs about 862 kilograms, which is roughly the same as 14 male gymnasts.
25.    Bears whose brown fur is tipped with lighter-colored hairs are called grizzly bears. The smallest species of bears is called sun or Malayan bears. Male bears are called boars. Bears are native to the continents of North America, Asia, Europe, and South America. Alaskan brown bears, world's largest meat-eating animals that live on land, can weigh as much as 1,700 pounds (771 kilograms)
26.    How many teeth does a bear have? 42 teeth.
1.       25% of cat owners blow dry the cat's hair after giving it a bath.
2.       A cat can run about 20 kilometers per hour (12 miles per hour) when it grows up. This one is going nowhere today - it is too lazy!
3.       A cat can run about 20 kilometers per hour (12 miles per hour) when it grows up. This one is going nowhere today - it is too lazy!
4.       A cat has 32 muscles in each ear.
5.       A cat sees about six times better than a human at night because of the tapetum lucidum , a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.
6.       A cat sees about six times better than a human at night because of  tapetum lucidum , a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.
7.       A cat uses whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as antennae, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.
8.       A cat uses whiskers to determine if a space is too small to squeeze through. The whiskers act as antennae, helping the animal to judge the precise width of any passage.
9.       A cat will clean itself with paw and tongue after a dangerous experience or when it has fought with another cat. This is an attempt by the animal to soothe its nerves by doing something natural and instinctive.
10.    A cat will clean itself with paw and tongue after a dangerous experience or when it has fought with another cat. This is an attempt by the animal to soothe its nerves by doing something natural and instinctive.
11.    A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.
12.    A cat's jaws cannot move sideways.
13.    A domestic cat sleeps for up to 14 hours a day.
14.    A fall of 30 feet can be survived my most cats.
15.    A house cat spends 70% of its time sleeping.
16.    Cats can have freckles. They can appear anywhere on a cat's skin and even in its mouth.
17.    Cats can make over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs can only make 10.
18.    Cat's urine glows under a black light.
19.    Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed... or is that paws?!
20.    How many muscles does a cat have in each ear? No point counting, here’s the answer - 32.
21.    How many rows of whiskers does a cat have? Interesting! Four rows.
22.    How many vocal chords do cats have? Go ahead and count… 100.
23.    In 1888, an Egyptian peasant discovered an estimated three hundred thousand mummified cats in Beni Hassan, Egypt. Of the cats that were not stolen once, the find was made public; the remaining mummified cats were shipped to Great Britain to be used as agricultural fertilizer.
24.    In a lifetime, the average house cat spends approximately 10,950 hours purring.
25.    In the 1800's cats were used to deliver mail. In 1879, in Belgium 37 cats were used to deliver mail to villages, however they found that the cats were not disciplined enough to do this.
26.    Just like fingerprints, every cat’s nose pad is different.
27.    Most cats in Halifax (Nova Scotia) have six toes.
28.    One out of four American households owns a cat.
29.    Panthers are known as black leopards, as they are the same species of leopard. If looked at closely, black spots can be seen on a panther.
30.    Place a black light over a cat’s urine and watch it glow!
31.    Pound for pound, leopards are said to be 7 times stronger than humans.
32.    The majority of cats do not have any eyelashes.
33.    The normal temperature of a cat is 101.5 degrees.
34.    The puma and the leopard are the highest jumping mammals. They are able to reach a height of 16.5 feet.
35.    The smallest cat is the Singapore and weighs only 4 pounds.
36.    The snow leopard protects itself from extreme cold when it sleeps by wrapping its 3-foot-long tail around its nose.
37.    There are about 100 breeds of cats.
38.    There is no sideways movement for a cat's jaws.
39.    Your pet cat can scare a black bear. The big fellow will run up a tree to save itself from the little domestic creature. Meow, meow!
1.       Australia has a population of 17 million people and 150 million sheep.
2.       The population of New Zealand is 4 million people and 70 million sheep.
3.       A goat's eyes have got rectangular pupils.
4.       Have you heard of a sheep with blue wool? Well, a couple of animal breeders from Russia had claimed sometime ago that they bred sheep with natural blue wool.
5.       A sheep, a duck and a rooster were the first animals to fly in a hot air balloon. The oldest breed of a dog known to mankind is the ‘Saluki’.
1.       “Moo, moo,” says the cow everywhere in the world; and a pig says “Moo, moo” in Japan.
2.       A cow averages 40,000 jaw movements a day.
3.       A cow can give far more milk than a human can consume their lifetime. Any guesses? Almost 200,000 glasses full of milk!
4.       A cow gives nearly 200,000 glasses of milk in her lifetime.
5.       A cow releases about 125 gallons of gas per day.
6.       A cow's only sweat glands are in its nose.
7.       A group of crows is called a murder.
8.       A single cow lets out the amount of harmful methane gas, which can fill about 400-liter bottles; that too in a single day. Pollution!
9.       Animal accents! The accent of a cow’s mooing depends on the region it belongs to.
10.    Bulls are known to be colorblind. It’s a black-and-white life for them!
11.    Cows are able to hear lower and higher frequencies better than human beings.
12.    Cows can detect odors up to five miles away.
13.    Cows can sleep standing up.
14.    Cows do not have any upper front teeth. Instead they have a thick pad on the top jaw.
15.    Cows drink anywhere from 25-50 gallons of water each day.
16.    Cows have four-chambered stomachs.
17.    Dairy cows can produce 20 to 35 gallons of saliva a day.
18.    Dexter is the smallest type of cow. This cow was bred to be a small size for household living.
19.    Humans and cows have the same gestation period, which is about nine months.
20.    In Colorado, there are about 83,000 dairy cows.
21.    In the U.S., the milk production per dairy cow is approximately 12,000 pounds.
22.    Most cows give more milk when they listen to music.
23.    Music lovers! Make a cow listen to music and there will be more milk in the bucket!
24.    On average, 350 squirts are needed from milking a cow to make a gallon of milk.
25.    On average, a typical dairy cow lies down and stands up about 14 times a day.
26.    Studies have shown that classical music helps cows produce more milk.
27.    The sweat glands of a cow are in its nose.
28.    The temperature of milk when it leaves the body of a cow is 101 degrees Fahrenheit. The milk is then quickly chilled and stored at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
29.    The world has approximately one billion cattle, of which about 200 million belong to India.
30.    There are an equivalent number of cows and people in Friesland, Netherlands.
31.    There are over 9 million beef and dairy cattle in New Zealand.
32.    While there are so many cows grazing in the world, no two cows will ever be found with identical pattern of spots.
33.    You can lead a cow up a stairwell but not down a stairwell.
34.    You can lead a cow up the stairs, but not down the stairs
35.    You would have to milk 260 cows for an entire year to fill a space shuttle's external fuel tank with 529,000 gallons of milk.
1.       A dog by the name of Laika was launched into space aboard the Russian spacecraft.
2.       A dog was the first animal to up in space.
3.       About 30% of American admits to talking to their dogs or leaving messages on their answering machines for their dogs while they are away.
4.       According to records, there are more dogs in Paris than there are people.
5.       All dogs are the descendant of the wolf. These wolves lived in eastern Asia about 15,000 years ago.
6.       An average city dog lives approximately three years longer than an average country dog.
7.       Approximately 87% of dog owners say that when they watch T.V. their dog curls up beside them or at their feet.
8.       Basenji dogs and Australian dingoes are virtually identical.
9.       Bloodhounds have been used since the 1600's for tracking criminals.
10.    Border collies are the most intelligent breed of dog.
11.    Chinese Crested dogs can get acne.
12.    Dalmatian puppies do not have any spots on them when they are born. They actually develop them as they get older.
13.    Dogs and cats are either right or left-pawed!
14.    Dogs and cats, like humans, are either right or left handed... or is that paws?!
15.    Dogs can be trained to detect an upcoming epileptic seizure.
16.    Dogs can't see colors. They're color blind.
17.    Dogs sweat only through their tongues.
18.    701 types of pure breed dogs are there in the world?
19.    If you were to remove the scent receptors from a dog's nose and lay them out flat, they would cover an area greater than the dog itself.
20.    In 2002, dogs have killed more people in the U.S. than the Great White shark has killed in the past 100 years.
21.    In the United States, every year about 15 people die from dog bites.
22.    Irish wolfhound dogs have a short lifespan and live about 7-8 years.
23.    It costs an average of $5,000 to raise a dog to ten years old.
24.    It was once against the law to have a pet dog in a city in Iceland.
25.    Nose prints are used to identify dogs, like humans use fingerprints.
26.    Pixie, a Siberian husky, gave birth to 7 puppies, one of which was bright green.
27.    Police dogs are trained to react to commands in a foreign language; commonly German but more recently Hungarian or some other Slavic tongue.
28.    The Basenji dog is the only dog that is not able to bark.
29.    The chow is the only dog that does not have a pink tongue.
30.    The dog with the largest ears in the world is a Basset Hound named Mr. Jeffries. The dog's ears are 11.5 inches longs, and are insured for $47,800.
31.    The dumbest dog in the world is the Afghan Hounds.
32.    The eyesight of dogs is better than that of human beings.
33.    The fastest dog, the greyhound, can reach speeds of up to 41.7 miles per hour. The breed was known to exist in ancient Egypt 6,000 years ago.
34.    The fastest dog, the greyhound, can reach speeds of up to 41.7 miles per hour.
35.    The greyhound was known to exist in ancient Egypt 6,000 years ago.
36.    The largest dog in the world is the Irish wolfhound.
37.    The smartest breeds of dogs are the Jack Russell Terrier and Scottish Border collie.
38.    There are almost 60 million dogs in the United States.
39.    There is a doggy disco held in Italy every year where owners can dance with their dogs.
40.    When a dog licks you with a straight tongue, he's saying "I Love You."
41.    While human fingerprints are a means of their identification; the nose prints are a means of identifying dogs.
1.       More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.
2.       The grizzly bear can run as fast as the average horse!! 
3.       Mules have one horse and one donkey for a parent.
4.       Baby donkeys or baby mules are also known as "Foals."
5.       The donkey’s eye placement helps it see all its four feet at a time.
6.       More people are killed annually by donkeys than die in air crashes.
7.       While a donkey will sink in quicksand, a mule will not.
8.       A female donkey's milk is closest to human milk.
1.       Elephants have a slower pulse of 27 and for a canary it is 1000!
2.       Only one mammal can't jump -- the elephant.
3.       The trunk of an elephant can hold up to two gallons of water.
4.       The elephant is the national animal of Thailand.
5.       In a day, an elephant can drink 80 gallons of water.
6.       In 1916, an elephant was tried and hung for murder in Erwin, Tennessee.
7.       Elephants have been known to learn up to 60 commands.
8.       During World War II, the very first bomb dropped on Berlin by the Allies killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
9.       An elephant's trunk can hold 2.5 gallons of water.
10.    The length of an elephant is the same as the tongue of a blue whale.
11.    An elephant can smell water from a distance of three miles.
12.    African elephants produce approximately 100 kilograms of manure per day. Most of this manure is eaten up by beetles.
13.    An elephant's tooth can weigh as much as three kilograms.
14.    An elephant in the wild can eat anywhere from 100 - 1000 pounds of vegetation in a 16 hour period.
15.    An elephant can live up to the age of seventy, or in some cases even more.
16.    Elephants purr like cats do, as a means of communication.
17.    An African adult elephant eats about six hundred pounds of food a day; that’s four percent of the elephant’s body weight!
18.    The tusks of elephants grow through their life. The tusks weigh over 200 pounds.
19.    Only the male Asian elephants have tusks.
20.    The male and female African elephants have tusks.
1.       A giraffe's heart weighs an incredible 24 pounds.
2.       A giraffe can go longer without water than a camel.
3.       A full grown giraffe's neck can weigh as much as 500 pounds.
4.       The tallest mammal in the world is the giraffe.
5.       Giraffes have black tongues.
6.       In one minute, the heart of a giraffe can pump 160 gallons of blood.
7.       You do not need cotton buds to clean a giraffe ears. It can do so with its own 50cm-tongue
8.       An adult giraffe's kick is so powerful that it can decapitate a lion.
9.       There are no vocal chords in a giraffe.
10.    The blood pressure of a giraffe is the highest in comparison to every animal species.
11.    A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue!
12.    Adult male giraffes bang their long necks together in a form of ritual fighting, during which no harm is done to either giraffe.
13.    A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue!
14.    Giraffes and humans have same number of bones in their necks: 7
1.       Male zebras are called stallions. Zebras usually travel in herds.
2.       No two zebras have stripes that are exactly alike.
3.       Flash the color orange in front of a zebra and it will not be able to see it. So, be careful not to paint a wall orange where zebras wander!
4.       Zebra’s enemies include hyenas, wild dogs, and lions.
5.       A horse will respond to your emotions/feelings mainly because they are very sensitive animals. Example: if you are angry / frustrated the horse will be frustrated also. But if you are happy and smiling the horse should be good in your lesson or ride.
6.       There are no two zebras that have stripes that are exactly the same.
7.       There are approximately 75,000,000 horses in the world.
8.       It's not only zebra's fur that is striped, their skin is also striped.
9.       All racehorses in the U.S. celebrate their birthday on January 1st.
10.    A full grown horse's intestines are approximately 89 feet long.
11.    If a horse rests it head on your shoulder it means the horse trusts you.
12.    When you hold your hand out to a horse and the horse comes over and blows out warm air onto the palm of your hand it normally means that the horse wants to be friends with you.
13.    Horses have stomachs also and they need to eat. Horses should be fed two times a day.
14.    A horse weighing approximately 1,200-pounds eats approximately seven times its own weight, in a year. That amounts to almost 8,400-pounds of food. Wow! What an appetite!
15.    Is a zebra black with white stripes, or white with black stripes? Any guesses? Well, it’s white with black stripes.
16.    No two zebras have stripes that are exactly alike. Zebra’s enemies include hyenas, wild dogs, and lions. Male zebras are called stallions. Zebras usually travel in herds.
1.       A ‘mob’ is not just a group of unruly people; but also a group of kangaroos – well behaved or not!
2.       A kangaroo can jump 45 feet!
3.       The faster kangaroos hop, the less energy they use.
4.       When they are in danger, kangaroos will beat the ground loudly with their hind feet.
5.       Unlike other four legged mammals, kangaroos cannot walk backwards.
6.       There is a certain species of kangaroo that is only 2.5 centimeters long when it is born.
7.       A newborn kangaroo weighs approximately 0.03 ounces and is small enough to fit in a teaspoon.
8.       Young kangaroos are called joeys.
9.       A group of kangaroos is called a mob.
10.    Kangaroos are native of Australia.
11.    There are more than 50 different kinds of kangaroos.
1.       The female lion does more than 90% of the hunting while the male simply prefers to rest. !!
2.       Only 5 to 10 percent of cheetah cubs make it to adulthood.
3.       Cheetahs are the fastest land animal and can reach speeds up to 72mph.
4.       Tigers have striped skin, not just striped fur.
5.       Roar, roar! I am the king of the jungle! But did you know the lion would be defeated by a polar bear in a battle between the two?
6.       Cheetahs maybe large and fast, but when they roar they chirp. This sounds more like a bird or a yelping dog. Beware; it is loud enough to be heard up to a mile away.
7.       A cheetah can run 76 kilometers per hour (46 miles per hour) - that's really fast! The fastest human being runs only about 30 kilometers per hour (18 miles per hour).
8.       A cheetah does not roar like a lion - it purrs like a cat (meow).
9.       While the male lion rests in its den, it is the females that have go out and get the food.
10.    Lions cannot roar until they reach the age of two.
11.    An adult lion's roar is so loud; it can be heard up to five miles away.
12.    A lion feeds once every three to four days.
13.    Between 1902 and 1907, the same tiger killed 434 people in India.
14.    A white tiger can only be born when both parents carry the gene for white colouring.
15.    Some wild tigers can eat up to 40 pounds of meat at a time, and not eat again for several days.
16.    The female lion does more than 90% of the hunting while the male simply prefers to rest.
17.    A cheetah does not roar like a lion - it purrs like a cat (meow).
18.    A cheetah can run 76 kilometers per hour (46 miles per hour) - that's really fast! The fastest human being runs only about 30 kilometers per hour (18 miles per hour).
19.    When a lion wants to mate, he cannot be stopped. Copulation occurs every 15 minutes for one week straight. Luckily for lionesses, lions only want to mate once every two years.
20.    Talk about noise pollution in the jungles! A lion’s roar is so loud that it can hear up to a distance of five miles.
1.       The mandrill baboon has a red nose, blue cheeks, and an orange beard!
2.       Chimpanzees use tools more than any other animal except man.
3.       A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't.
4.       According to records there are 50 million monkeys. That is quite an over
5.       Names of the three wise monkeys are: Mizaru (See no evil), Mikazaru (Hear no evil), and Mazaru (Speak no evil)
6.       Squirrel Monkeys are the most common monkey in South-America.
7.       Squirrel Monkeys tails are only partly prehensile.
8.       Squirrel Monkeys move through trees by leaping.
9.       Colobus monkey’s bushy tails, which often exceeds the length of their bodies.
10.    Colobus monkeys have a long, black fur coat with a white stripe running down the sides of their backs to their tails.
11.    Zanzibar is the only place where you will find the Kirk's Red Colobus monkey.
12.    The male howler monkey of Central and South America is the noisiest land animal, which can be heard clearly from a distance of ten miles away.
13.    Sleeping beauties! Gorillas sleep up to fourteen hours, a day.
14.    A chimpanzee can learn to recognize itself in a mirror, but monkeys can't.
15.    The Spider Monkey offspring are dependent on their mothers for the first 2 to 3 years, with the females giving birth every 3 to 4 years.
16.    Spider Monkeys will use all five appendages; arms, legs and tail, to scramble through trees.
17.    Spider Monkeys have hook-like fingers, but no thumb, and the tip of their tail can support the weight of their entire body.
18.    Spider Monkeys are very good climbers and are usually found in groups of around 30, often broken up into smaller sub-groups of around 3 or 4.
19.    Groups of Snow Monkeys are primarily formed by adult females; there is roughly three times the number of adult females than there are adult males and young.
20.    Human birth control pills work on gorillas.
21.    Gorillas can catch human colds and other illnesses.
22.    Gorillas are considered apes, not monkeys. The way to distinguish between an ape and a monkey is that apes do not have tails.
23.    Gorilla's have unique nose prints just as humans have unique fingerprints.
24.    Snow Monkeys live in areas where the temperature is an average of -10ÂșC.
25.    The Old World monkeys include some terrestrial species such as the baboons, while New World monkeys are exclusively arboreal. Some New World monkeys have a prehensile, or grasping, tail. The tail can be used like a hand.
26.    Monkeys are divided into two geographically separate groups - the New World monkeys of South America and the Old World monkeys, found in Africa and Asia.
27.    Approximately 50 percent of all orangutans have fractured bones, a result of falling off of trees on a regular basis.
28.    Apart from human’s even chimpanzees can learn to recognize their own image in a mirror.
1.       Bats always turn left when they leave their caves.
2.       Frog-eating bats identify edible frogs from poisonous ones by listening to the mating calls of male frogs. Frogs counter this by hiding and using short, difficult to locate calls.
3.       Bats eat all types of food. There is no restriction where their diet is concerned.
4.       Bats sleep during the day and feed at night. The place that bats sleep in is called the "roost."
5.       Bats emit ultrasonic sounds to communicate with each other.
6.       Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
7.       African heart-nosed bats can have such a keen sense of sound that they can hear the footsteps of a beetle walking on sand from six feet away.
8.       Giant flying foxes, which are a type of bat, that live in Indonesia have wingspans of nearly six feet.
9.       No right turn! The bats do not need any boards, for it’s always the left turn for them when exiting a cave.
10.    The flying fox of Africa has a wingspan of fifty inches!
11.    The flying fox is a bat with a wing span over five feet.
12.    The world's smallest mammal is the bumblebee bat of Thailand, weighing less than a penny.
13.    Vampire bat saliva has been responsible for many advances in research into stroke recovery.
1.       The hippopotamus’s eyes, ears and nostrils are on the top of its head. This enables it to stand or sit, almost completely covered by water with as little as possible showing above the surface.
2.       The hippopotamus’s skin is protected by its own pink oily secretion known as ‘Pink sweat’.
3.       A hippopotamus can run faster than a man.
4.       A standing 4-foot child can fit into the open of a hippopotamus.
5.       The hippopotamus gives birth under water and nurses its young in the river as well, though the young hippos do come up periodically for air.
1.       Armadillos have four babies of the same sex, at a time. They are perfect identical quadruplets.
2.       Armadillos sleep for an average of 18.5 hours, a day.
3.       Can you walk underwater? Well, here is one animal that can – the Armadillos.
Which animals can get leprosy? None expect for Armadillos. 

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