a) Causes
It was after the pledges of Aqabah that the idea of migrating to Yarib was born in the heart of the Holy Prophet, but there were also strong reasons, which compelled him to leave Makkah for Yasrib.
The people of Makkah were generally hard and ill tempered. On the other hand, the people of Yasrib were tender hearted and considerate, so Islam could find a more suitable ground in Yasrib then at Makkah in its early period of expansion.
The Holy Prophet was hated and despised by his own people in Makkah, but he was invited by the people of Yasrib to come to their city.
The priests of Makkah opposed Islam from the very beginning, because the success of Islam meant their own destructions, as Islam is opposed to idol, worship. In Yasrib, however, there was no priest class, so it was easier to preach Islam there.
In Yasrib the two tribes of Aus and Khazraj, who had been at war with each other looked for a strong leader who could establish peace in their land, so they invited the Holy Prophet to come to their city.
The Jews, who were living at Yasrib, had been informed of the coming of the Holy Prophet as a supporter of their scriptures, so they were eager to receive him.
The aggressive attitude of the Quraish and their persecution was an important factor in the migration to Yasrib, specially the death of Abu Talib who had been his protector from the very beginning.
After the pledges of Aqabah, the Muslims realized that the people of Yasrib were ready to welcome them and there was a place where they could seek refuge.
b) Event of Migration
When the unbelievers came to know of these development, they redoubled their persecution of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and his followers. The Prophet (P.B.U.H), therefore, advised them to emigrate to Yasrib secretly. Thereafter family after family left in this manner. By and by, all the companions of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) except Hazrat Abu Bakr and Hazrat Ali Succeeded in migrating to Yasrib.
The Quraish held a meeting in the council hall, Dar-un-Nadwa, when it was decided that one person from each tribe should be selected who would simultaneously attack the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) and kill him. This way their object would be achieved and the Banu Hashim would not be able to take revenge.
The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) was informed of this plan of his enemies by Allah and was told to leave Makkah that same night:
"Remember how the unbelievers plotted against thee, to keep thee in bonds or slay thee, or get thee out (of thy home). They plot and plan, and Allah too plans, but the bast of planners is Allah." (8:30)
They Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) asked Ali to sleep on his bed, and to return the valuables entrusted to the Prophet (P.B.U.H) by various people. Then quietly, he left the house unnoticed by anyone. Accompanied by Abu Bakr, he made his way to Yasrib. As his enemies were looking for him everywhere, he stayed in the cave of Saur for three days and nights.
Next morning, when the chiefs of Makkah found Ali in Hazrat Muhammad's (P.B.U.H) bed they were furious. Determined more than ever to find him, they offered a huge reward of one hundred camels for his capture, dead or alive.
Many young men of the Quraish went out in search of the Holy Prophet and came close to the cave. Hazrat Abu Bakr trembled with fear and exprected them to break into the cave. He said to the Holy Prophet, "If anyone of them looks down, he will find us." To this, the Holy Prophet answered: "O Abu Bakr, how can you fear for two men whose constant companion is Allah Himself?"
This incident is mentioned in the Quran in the following words: ".....for Allah did indeed help him, when the unbelievers drove him out: he had no more than one companion: the two were in the cave, and he said to his companion, 'Have nor fear, for Allah is with us.' (9: 40)
c) Important of Migration
The important of migration can be judged from the fact that the Muslim calender starts from this event and not from any other incident in the life of the Prophet.
The migration not only completely altered the prevailing conditions of Arabia, but it changed the entire course of human history. Those who embraced Islam before migration used to pray secretly for fear of the unbelievers. As they were weak and in minority and the unbelievers were powerful and strong, it was not possible for them to fight for their faith or to defend themselves from the torture and persecution. It was after migration that Muslims became strong enogh to stand against injustice and persecution.